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1.1. An AI System for Harmonious Interactions: SHE ZenAI Principles.
Q: How does the Social Harmony Ecosystem be an Engine for harmonious interactions?
A: SHE ZenAI ensures harmonious interactions by prioritising User comfort and understanding. The system uses multi-modal UX chat and a unique Comfort Index (CI) to gauge user sentiment and provide personalised experiences. SHE ZenAI was designed to be constrained (by hard and soft rules) and non-intrusive to act as a serene and calming presence in the User's life.
OpenAI has a sentiment function in GPT that can be called. Their Whisper API product has sentiment context calls. BERT is a specific Hugging Face model for sentiment analysis.
The creation of "SHE ZenAI" © DBZ-David.

Maximising User Comfort & Understanding with Our AI-Powered Assistant
31 July 2023 at 11:00:00 pm
Author: David W. Harvey - Design By Zen, Publications
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